Eyes are the mirror of the soul and often happens to see a heavy look that, unfortunately, transmits negative emotions even in people, instead, active and positive. This happens because the eyelids are among the structures in our body that move the most over the course of life. They are therefore among the first to [...]

Facelift (or rhytidectomy) is the surgery indicated in cases where the soft tissues of the face have given way over time. The goal of the operation is to reposition the soft tissues and thus determine an harmonic and physiological traction (lift) of both the skin and the deep structures. Depending on the extent of the [...]

Neck lift
The neck lift (cervicoplasty or platysmalplasty) is the intervention indicated in cases where the soft tissues of the neck have yielded over time. The purpose of the operation is to reposition the soft tissues and reconstitute a harmonious and physiological cervicomental angle of both the skin and the deep structures. The incision of a few [...]

The role played by the nasal pyramid in the aesthetics of the facial mosaic is predominant. Often, small deformities of the dorsum or tip can be corrected with simple interventions under local anesthesia, of minimum duration and with an easy and painless postoperative procedure. In other cases, however, deeper bone structures are involved and consequently [...]

Lip Augmentation
Lip Augmentation Cheiloplasty is the plastic surgery of the lips. Over time, the lips (consisting of the 'white lip' skin and the 'red lip' mucosa) lose tone and volume, leading to progressive thinning. By interventions under local anesthesia, it is possible to increase the amount of exposed red lip or, if indicated, [...]

Otoplasty 'Protruding' ears can become a problematic condition during childhood or adolescence. One of the most classic interventions of facial plastic surgery allows you to operate on the various structures involved to restore a physiological curvature of the auricle, giving harmony and linearity to the oval of the face. Reconstructions of the ear lobes or [...]

Among the alternative techniques to lifting is the implantation of suspension wires (threadlift) to the face and neck. These are minimally invasive techniques that involve the implantation of resorbable threads under the skin which, following a suitable traction, reposition the skin and soft tissues according to an 'antigravity vector', erasing the hated skin folds of [...]

Face Implants
In cases where the chin protuberance is not projected enough, the condition of the socalled "receding chin" occurs, which unbalances the profile. Very often a (Face Implants) rhinoplasty is completed by a mental implant because it balances the subject's profiloplasty. In other cases, however, it is the patient's will to correct exclusively this imperfection, very [...]

Fat Grafting
Fat grafting consists of the transplantation of autologous fat (i.e. of the same patient) which is harvested through cannulas with a diameter of less than 3 mm from different areas of the body. Macrograft: Once fat has been harvested, it is appropriately treated according to different techniques and is reimplanted in depressed or hypotrophic areas [...]

Breast Augmentation
It is desire of many women to have a beautiful décolleté. Among the most common cosmetic surgery operations, breast augmentation consists in the implantation of a silicone gel prosthesis under the mammary gland or under the pectoral muscle (dual plane). On the basis of the characteristics of each individual patient (weight, height, build ...), an [...]

Breast reduction
In some women the breasts become disproportionate to their body due to a progressive development of the glandular and / or adipose component. Generally, these conditions are congenital and manifest during development (macromastia or virginal gigantomastia) or after pregnancy and breastfeeding. In other cases, however, the condition of breast hypertrophy is linked to the increase [...]

Breast Lift
The size and volume of the breasts may change as a result of pregnancy / breastfeeding or after significant weight loss that involves the 'emptying' of the volume of the breast which will appear sagging with the skin in excess of the glandular and adipose part. Breast lift or mastopexy allows, with soft tissue remodeling [...]

Inverted Nipples
The condition of inverted nipples is a rather frequent anomaly caused by the presence of fibromuscular septa that pull the nipple inside the breast instead of bringing it outside. It is generally congenital but can also develop over time, for example after trauma or pathologies. A woman with inverted nipples will not always have difficulty [...]

Gynecomastia (breasts in men)
In some men, hormonal stimulation can cause the mammary glandular component to develop during puberty. This process determines the presence of a glandular mass which varies from case to case which can become an aesthetic problem. An ultrasound examination and an eventual endocrinological study complete the study of these cases, before arriving at the actual [...]

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) is a remodeling and reconstruction surgery of the abdominal wall, indicated in subjects who have faced a strong weight loss or in subjects who, for other causes, have a relaxation of the skin and muscle component of the abdominal wall (eg postpregnancy). It is preferable to intervene on subjects with stable weight, [...]

Liposculpture and Liposuction
Liposculpture and Liposuction It is an association of liposuction and fat grafting operating processes. Liposuction is a body remodeling intervention to restore harmony to the silhouette, especially in some regions such as the abdomen, hips and buttocks. The operation consists in aspirating the adipose tissue through cannulas and microcannulas of different thickness depending on the [...]

Thigh Lift
Thigh Lift It is a procedure that aims to reconstitute the silhouette of the thighs, especially at the level of the root of the lower limb where, due to an excess of fat and skin, friction phenomena are created inside the thigh, whi hcausebothunsightlythanfunctional.Oftentheoperationisa sociatedwi hatu mytuckora torsoplasty, especially in postweight loss cases. The operation [...]

Brachioplasty (Arm lift)
Brachioplasty (Arm lift) Especially in women, an unpleasant relaxation of the ulnar side of the arms (the socalled batwings) can occur over the years. This involves an accumulation of adipose tissue and loose skin which, linked to the progressive decrease of skin elasticity, causes an unsightly problem, rather visible with movement and with summer clothes. [...]

Buttocks Augmentation
Buttocks Augmentation Gluteoplasty consists of a volumetric increase in the buttocks through lipofilling or through the implantation of specific silicone implants. The goal of the surgery is to give greater projection and roundness to the buttock, in order to give the patient a beautiful B side. Today there is also a nonsurgical option to gluteoplasty, [...]

Post Bariatric
Post bariatric With the advent and development of bariatric surgery techniques (balloon, gastrectomy, bypass, etc.) today we find an increasingly large population of postbariatric subjects who report weight loss stories of up to 60 kilos or more. Skin elasticity in many of these cases fails to follow the "deflation" of subcutaneous tissues, especially fat, and [...]

Dermatosurgery Dermatological surgery aims to remove suspicious, symptomatic or simply unsightly skin lesions. We plastic surgeons are constantly trying to make the best scar both with techniques and with gold standard materials. The interventions are quick and painless thanks to local anesthesia. Most common lesions treated in our clinic are dysplastic nevi, sebaceous cysts, lipomas, [...]

Female Cosmetic Genital Surgery
Female Cosmetic Genital Surgery Cosmetic surgery of the genitals (both in women and in men) has become very popular in recent years. Therefore, by increasing the number of potential patients, it is our duty, as specialist surgeons, to refine the techniques more and more trying to improve the experience of the intervention and the postoperative. [...]

Male Cosmetic Genital Surgery
Male Cosmetic Genital Surgery Cosmetic surgery of the genitals (both in women and in men) has become very popular in recent years. Therefore, by increasing the number of potential patients, it is our duty, as specialist surgeons, to refine the techniques more and more trying to improve the experience of the intervention and postoperative. Among [...]